Cristi Rudge
Cristi Rudge’s life revolves around her family and grandchildren. “Grandma Honey,” as her grandchildren call her, spends as much time as she can with them and her four children. When Cristi, 42, wasn’t with her family, she worked full-time, practiced her Baptist faith, and enjoyed crafting.
Then, on a December day that started like any other, Cristi had a stroke.
Cristi was out Christmas shopping with her youngest daughter when she had her stroke. She was admitted to Owensboro Health Regional Hospital, where she spent approximately two weeks. Then, Cristi’s doctors referred her to Southern Kentucky Rehabilitation Hospital for more intensive inpatient rehabilitation.
As a result of the stroke, Cristi faced many challenges and a long road to recovery. Cristi experienced global aphasia, right hemiplegia (paralysis), and a left-sided facial droop. She arrived at SKY Rehab requiring a Hoyer lift for transfers and a tube for feeding. “I was dependent with everything when I got here,” Cristi shared.
A very positive person, Cristi drew on the encouragement of her team at SKY Rehab and the support of her family to do her best each day. That hard work, dedication, and support enabled Cristi to make significant gains during her stay. She can now walk with the assistance of a quad cane and has resumed a regular diet. And while Cristi sometimes has difficulty expressing herself, she is getting better and better each day.
Cristi and her family extended a special “thank you” to Leslie, Alexsey, and Sylvia, her occupational, physical, and speech therapists, for their support and ongoing care.
“I could not have made it without my therapists and the team here to push me through.”
Before returning home, Cristi discharged to Clifton Oaks to regain more strength. She looks forward to this next step and is excited to be one step closer to home. Cristi remains focused on her ultimate goal: returning home to be with her family and grandchildren.